Helmer Happenings: February 14th

Tuesday was the last day for legislation to pass the House of Delegates to have a chance of becoming law this year. In a final push, we voted on over 160 bills in a single day.

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The results are historic and include:

  • The Clean Economy Act (HB 1526), which I spoke to on the floor and puts Virginia on an aggressive, realistic path toward a 100% carbon neutral economy

  • Multiple bills (including several that I led on) to support veterans, firefighters, and police officers

  • Gun violence prevention measures including keeping firearms out of the hands of domestic violence perpetrators and a ban on high capacity magazines

  • $15 minimum wage to ensure all Virginians can live in dignity

  • Decriminalization of possession of small amounts of marijuana as a first step toward a legalized framework

  • Automatic and same-day voter registration and the removal of identification requirements meant to suppress voter turnout

  • Removing the statue of Robert E. Lee in the Capitol and commissioning a replacement while providing localities with the ability to address Jim Crow statues meant to enshrine white supremacy

  • The most important transportation bill in a generation that will streamline funding, ensure Northern Virginia gets its fair share, and provide more mass transit options while alleviating gridlock and reducing emissions

  • Critical health care legislation to ensure access and drive down costs

There’s so much work to do to ensure a prosperous, fair Virginia that addresses critical challenges like climate change while offering the opportunity for all to live in safety and dignity, but I’m humbled to be part of this historic session. Now, it’s on to fighting for our bills in the Senate and ensuring we secure progress. 


This Valentine’s weekend shows your loved ones and your community how much you care by attending some of the exciting events happening in and around the 40th District.

Celebrate with your family on Saturday at the Kids Valentine’s Day Party at Life Time Athletic in Centreville. There’s something for you every day this weekend at The Winery at Bull Run, with Trivia tonight and food trucks on Saturday (From Tuscany with Love) and Sunday (Two Smooth Dudes). Finally, don’t eat too much Valentine’s chocolate before you run the 2020 Lovers 5K, 10K, and Half in Fairfax Station on Sunday.

Happy Valentine’s Day, everyone!


At the Military & Veterans Caucus, in honor of Black History Month, we heard from Lieutenant General Mills and Lieutenant General Coleman on preserving a battlefield where 13 Black civil war soldiers earned the Medal of Honor.

As a member of the Commonwealth Caucus, I met with a bipartisan group of legislators this week to collaborate on legislation and find common ground on issues ranging from standing up for Virginia veterans to strengthening our democracy. I also had the chance to stop by Art for the Journey’s art show here in Richmond yesterday. I was touched by the beautiful artwork created by people with disabilities, women in prison, and veterans with PTSD, and grateful to have had the opportunity to visit the show.

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It was a pleasure to meet with Annika, a resident of the 40th District and a Page here in the General Assembly. Every year, civic-minded teenagers from across the Commonwealth convene in Richmond to assist members, the Clerk’s staff, and other legislative staff in the daily duties during the regular session of the General Assembly. These future civil servants not only get to experience the ins and outs of government, but they also go on numerous field trips to museums and historical sites and participate in a mock legislative session called the Page Debate.

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In Annika’s words, “The Senate Page Leadership program is an incredible opportunity that has given me so many new experiences. I strongly encourage anyone even slightly interested to apply. The doors opened by this rigorous leadership program will serve you for years.” Thank you for your service, Annika! For more information on the Senate and House Page programs and how to apply, visit the Capitol Classroom website


You can follow all of the bills I’ve introduced here.

Thank you again for your engagement and for using your voice in our district. I’ve sought to call all of you who have reached out to my office, and I’m sorry to those I missed in between committee meetings and other responsibilities of the office. I’m grateful for your partnership in this journey and to hear your voices as I consider the bills that come before me. If you need anything at all or want to provide input on legislation, please don’t hesitate to reach out.

Warm Regards,


