Helmer Happenings: February 17th

What stands out about being a new delegate is the sheer speed at which our citizen legislature operates. Everyday, I’m reviewing nearly 100 bills as they make their way to the floor as we approach “cross-over,” the day next week when all of our bills need to be passed in order to go to the Senate. I also appreciate all of those who’ve taken the time to call, write, and visit about legislation.

The House has passed quite a few bills! This includes HB 1619, my bill for a state income tax credit which makes sure that about 1,000 of the poorest Virginia veterans can live in dignity, which passed by a vote of 100-0. Another of my bills HB 1654, which allows free clinics in Virginia to dispense birth control, insulin, and other drugs passed unanimously as well. And my bill HB 1493, which helps protect our schools by making it easier to recruit trained school resource officers passed 98-1 as HB 1495. Legislation I’ve championed that protects firefighters who get cancer as a result of their work also passed.

Our new majority is moving quickly to address longstanding needs in Virginia. We passed a major bill to prohibit discrimination against any Virginian because of whom they love, or their status as a veteran, or because they’re pregnant. Another bill ensures that if you have the money to rent a home, you can’t be discriminated against because you’re poor and ends a modern-day version of the prejudicial practice of “redlining.”

The House has also passed critical climate change legislation including a ban on offshore drilling, new incentives for electric vehicles, and a requirement that counties plan to mitigate and address the impacts of global warming.

It’s an incredible moment to be a legislator, and I’m so thankful to have this opportunity to serve. Now on to fight for these bills in the Senate!


Virginia’s deadline to register to vote ahead of the upcoming presidential primary election is Monday, February 10. Check your registration status here. If you are an eligible voter and not registered to vote, you can apply to register to vote here.

As always, please reach out if there’s anything my office can do for you; we’re here to help. And let me know if you are visiting Richmond; meeting with visitors from the 40th is one of my favorite parts of this work.


There are plenty of opportunities to create quality memories with family and friends at some exciting events in and around the 40th District in the week ahead.

Are you an animal lover? Bring your kids to tell a bedtime story to cats and dogs at Reading Tails hosted by Fairfax County Animal Shelter on Saturday.

In the mood for a glass of wine and a sweet treat? Starting today, support Paradise Springs Winery at their Chocolate Pairing with close friends in Clifton.

Sports fan? Cheer on the 40th District’s own Centreville Wildcats basketball teams as they take on Oakton High School on Tuesday, February 11th.


I met with constituents passionate about ensuring we’re doing everything possible to fight climate change in our communities. I’ve been working on a number of critical pieces of legislation to tackle the biggest challenge of our times, including the Virginia Clean Economy Act, which will reduce greenhouse gas emissions from power generation in accordance with recommendations by the United Nations IPCC. We still have a lot of work to do in other sectors of the Virginia economy, but I’m excited that this bill will be heard on the floor next week.


My team met with advocates from CASA who are fighting for drivers licenses for all – which will mean equity for immigrants and safer roads.


I joined advocates of the Virginia Values Coalition to celebrate progress towards equality in our Commonwealth on Wednesday. It is critical that we push non-discrimination legislation through, and I’m grateful for their advocacy here in Richmond. No matter who you love or how you identify, you should have equal rights under the law.


I also had the chance to meet with George Mason University students and learn about their priorities. It’s motivating to see young people engaged in the political process, advocating for funding for their institution that is helping power Northern Virginia’s economic growth.



Lynn and Charlie came as refugees to this country with their four-year-old son in 1984. Both would eventually go on to get their certification as barbers before opening Charlie’s Barbershop in Fairfax Station in 2010, where you can get a great haircut and catch up on local news and gossip every day of the week.



I was proud to sign on as a co-patron for HB 758 & HJ 71 that will ensure we have nonpartisan redistricting in our Commonwealth. I’ve said before that voters should choose their elected officials and not the other way around, and that remains just as true today as it did while I was on the campaign trail. I am also excited that our effort to give localities the ability to use ranked-choice voting and improve the tenor of local elections passed the House.

We passed critical affordable housing legislation in HB 334 that protects those in trailer parks. Bills to improve public safety included a bill that will make it illegal to hold your phone while driving and help address the issue of distracted driving.

After “cross-over day” next week, I look forward to advocating for my bills as they proceed through the Senate. I also look forward to reviewing the work of the Senate from the first month of a session and continuing to promote legislation that combats gun violence in our communities, enshrines equality in our laws, and tackles climate change in our Commonwealth. You can follow all of the bills I’ve introduced here.

Thank you again for your engagement and for using your voice in our district. I’m grateful for your partnership in this journey and to hear your voices as I consider the bills that come before me. If you need anything at all or want to provide input on legislation, please don’t hesitate to reach out.


Warm Regards,


