Helmer Happenings: April 24th

I hope you are staying healthy and staying home during these challenging times.

This Wednesday, I returned to Richmond for our reconvened legislative session to vote on bills for which the Governor offered amendments or recommendations, including Virginia’s budget.

Even in the midst of a pandemic such as this, it is important that we do the people’s work, and focus on the immediate needs of ensuring Virginians are safe, healthy, and can put food on the table for themselves and their families.

During the reconvened session, I was particularly proud of the passage of House Bills 438, 972, and 1004, three bills that I championed this past legislative session. House Bill 438 will ensure our first responders receive coverage for PTSD under Virginia Workers’ Compensation Act, House Bill 972 will decriminalize marijuana, and House Bill 1004 will forbid Virginians under protective orders from having firearms as a way to reduce intimate partner violence.

Activities & Meetings

Our biggest activity right now is ensuring we remain tied together as a community and to ensure that everyone has access to services and support in this time of need. We are addressing dozens of challenges raised by our constituents and helping with issues ranging from access to unemployment insurance for those who have lost their income to advocating for small businesses impacted by the pandemic. I’ve been meeting regularly with the Governor’s team and other elected officials at every level of government to ensure we are doing everything we can.

We’ve also launched a District-wide neighborhood call program so that each member of our community knows that they are not alone and can raise challenges if they have them. Thank you to those of you who have already stepped up to join these efforts! We have made hundreds of calls thus far, yet we still need additional volunteers, so if you are interested in helping out, please sign up here.

While I haven’t been able to meet with constituents in-person, I’ve been glad to stay busy meeting communities and hearing your concerns and needs. In the past couple weeks, I’ve held multiple virtual meetings with local organizations, from homeowners associations to Democratic groups to local non-profits. I’ve also joined with fellow legislators and administration officials for town halls to share important information with you all and answer your questions. Be sure to follow my official pages on Facebook and Twitter for future updates on virtual town halls, and let me know if you’re interested in finding a time for a virtual visit!


Taxes & Unemployment Insurance

I wanted to take a quick moment to highlight important information regarding tax filing and unemployment. Most Virginians should file their taxes by May 1st, and pay by June 1st. For more information from Virginia Tax, click here.

The Virginia Employment Commission has been in the process of setting up the technology to process and distribute Pandemic Unemployment Assistance (PUA) to self-employed individuals, gig workers, and 1099 filers. They have been working hard to establish this system and ensure that working Virginians can provide for themselves and their families. If you fall in this category and have not applied for regular state Unemployment Insurance benefits, you should apply at this time. If you have any questions on either of these fronts, or have had difficulty reaching any state agency, don’t hesitate to let me know.


Opportunities to Help

I wanted to close with additional ways that you can engage and support our community during this time of need.

  • The Virginia Medical Reserve Corps is still in need of volunteers. If you have healthcare experience, or are simply interested in joining the frontlines against COVID-19, find more information about the Medical Reserve Corps here.

  • It remains incredibly important to donate blood. To find a drive near you and schedule a visit to give blood, visit the Red Cross’s page here.

  • And again, if you’re interested in joining our District 40 check-in program, you can sign up here.

In the midst of all that’s going on, don’t forget to look out for those around you and to be kind to yourself. We’ll get through this together.

And as always, please don’t hesitate to reach out if there is anything I can do for you.


Warm Regards,


