Helmer Happenings: July 4th

Happy Independence Day! As the son of an immigrant and the grandson of Holocaust survivors who came here as refugees, I know I’m proud to be an American. I hope everyone else will enjoy this opportunity to fly our colors, enjoy fireworks, see friends and family, and celebrate this great country.

On July 1st, many of the laws we passed this year in Virginia went into effect. Whether it was expanding access to affordable dental healthcare, funding education, keeping firearms out of the hands of domestic abusers, or continuing our quest to ensure access to voting, we continue to make a lot of progress on the road to recovery here in Virginia.

Finally, I just wanted to thank all of you who have supported our team. As many of you know, we had a fundraising deadline on June 30th, and I am so appreciative of the grassroots support that resulted in us significantly surpassing our goals. I’m humbled to have so many friends who are willing to pitch in and help out!

Events and Meetings

A couple weeks ago, I met with Fairfax Hunt community members and VDOT NoVA for a conversation about local transportation and road maintenance. I appreciated the opportunity to discuss this topic with local residents — if your neighborhood is facing a problem, please don’t hesitate to reach out to my office.

Last weekend, our team helped kick off Network NOVA’s 5th Annual Women’s Summit with a canvass launch. It’s been a wonderful summer knocking on doors and chatting with neighbors in our district. If you’re interested in helping us talk to voters about the important issues in our community, please contact sahluwalia@virginiaturnout.org.

On Wednesday I had the honor of joining Governor Northam at the Capital Area Food Bank as he signed our bill, HB1820, into law. Virginia will now expand SNAP eligibility to an additional 25,000 families — helping ensure that no one in our Commonwealth goes hungry. Thank you to our incredible community partners who helped us pass this legislation with unanimous support.

This morning I joined the Prince William County Democrats for a 4th of July Parade in Dale City. It was wonderful to be able to celebrate Independence Day with everyone!

Legislative Updates

On Thursday, many of the laws we worked on and passed this year went into effect. As of this week, we have a new set of laws in Virginia to expand voting rights, including increased access to absentee ballots, additional ballot drop-off locations, and early voting on Sundays. Our amazing teachers will be receiving a pay raise, and all public schools will be offering in-person instruction. On Thursday, Virginia also ended the death penalty — making us the first southern state to end this form of punishment. I’m proud of our work in the General Assembly to bring about these new laws, and I look forward to continuing our progress here in Virginia.

Fairfax County PIVOT Grants

Fairfax County has introduced $25 million in grant funds available to small businesses and nonprofits hit particularly hard by COVID-19, and applications are now open for these funds. There are four broad categories of organizations eligible: (a) food services; (b) lodging; (c) retail, services, and amusements; and (d) art organizations, museums and historical sites. FAQs, details on how to submit an application, and more on the PIVOT program can be found here — applications are open until July 9th.

Favorites of the Fortieth


When you have a chance, take a visit to the newly opened Motier French Pastry & Cuisine at 12644 Chapel Rd in Clifton. It just opened this week, and I am so excited to have great food and treats right down the street. I’ve had two sandwiches this week—the chicken salad croissant is awesome—and will definitely be back for more with all the great food that Ivar Yohanes Setiawan, the owner, is whipping up. Ivar and his family have been living here in Clifton for the past 15 years, and we’re so delighted to add them to the culinary mosaic of Virginia’s 40th District.

Lastly, if you would like a free campaign lawn sign, please fill out this form so we can arrange to have one dropped off for you!

As always, please feel free to reach out to my office if you have any concerns, questions, or need assistance with an issue. I hope you have a wonderful holiday weekend!

