Helmer Happenings: October 20th

As our campaign enters into the final home stretch, I first want to thank everyone who has supported our team these past few months.  Without your help and support, our campaign would not be where it is today.  And even more so, everyone’s dedication to moving Virginia and the Commonwealth forward has made me feel incredibly hopeful. Thank you. We are moving full steam ahead to ensure that the last 13 days make a lasting impact on the future of Virginia.  I am thrilled to share with you some exciting recent updates!

Events and Meetings

I’ve been honored to have been joined on the campaign trail by so many who have put their trust in me to move Virginia forward and who support my re-election. I have been humbled to have individuals such as Terry McAuliffe, Congresswoman Wexton, Governor Northam, Lt. Col. Vindman, Speaker Filler-Corn, Delegates Hudson and VanValkenburg, and Gold Star Father Khizr Khan by my side. Together, we are working towards building a more inclusive Virginia.


I recently attended the promotion ceremony for 35 Prince William County Police officers as well as a celebration of the opening of Gainesville High School. I am proud of our work in the General Assembly to support public safety and education, and remain committed to fighting for both of these moving forward.


I joined Delegates Keam and Delaney at the Korean Central Presbyterian Church — located right here in the 40th District. The diversity of our district is one of its greatest assets, and I appreciated sharing a morning with friends old and new of our local KCPC community.


I had a blast celebrating our local communities at Clifton Day, Haymarket Day, and Centreville Day these past couple weekends. Thank you to all the organizers for putting on these incredible events.

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I would also like to highlight all the outstanding work our field team has done, especially in these last critical weeks. We have had hundred members of our community come together to help spread the word about why it is so important that we vote in this November’s election. We have knocked on tens of thousands of doors, and shared our vision for the 40th, the Commonwealth, and Virginia with countless voters.

And finally, I am proud to have received the support of the Washington Post Editorial Board. Because of this, I joined Lawrence O’Donnell on MSNBC to denounce hate in Virginia. As your Delegate, my goal is to build a Virginia that everyone can call home. I am committed to fighting for a safe, more inclusive Virginia. You can watch my interview below. 

Volunteer Opportunities

As we approach Election Day, and with a race as close as ours, there are plenty of options to get involved and support our campaign. Sign up below to help us spread the word to folks to get out to vote!

Centreville: Weekend of 10/23 + 10/24

Gainesville: Weekend of 10/23 + 10/24 

Get Out the Vote (GOTV) Weekend of 10/30 > Tuesday 11/2 

Centreville GOTV

Gainesville GOTV

Early Voting Opportunities

Lastly, if you would like to cast your ballot early, there are plenty of opportunities to do so here in Northern Virginia.  Early in-person voting is happening now — check out the following links for more details for Fairfax and Prince William Counties.

Favorites of the 40th

Recently, I had the honor of joining the Clifton Presbyterian Church for worship and to present a commending resolution in honor of their 150th anniversary. Right after the Civil War, residents of Clifton, NJ came here to Virginia to establish the village of Clifton. In 1869, nine community members created the Clifton Presbyterian Church to serve the public. In 1870, CPC’s cornerstone was laid, and construction was completed in 1872.

For the past century and a half, CPC has remained a key institution in the Clifton community. Thank you to Pastor Diane and the CPC community for the warm welcome!

As always, feel free to reach out to my office if you have any concerns, questions, or need assistance with an issue. I hope you have a wonderful day.

