Helmer Happenings: March 4th

My grandmother was born in Zolochiv, a few years after the town was the subject of fighting by Soviet soldiers who sought to seize it in the wake of the collapse of the Austro-Hungarian empire. In 1939, the Soviets seized the town again. In 1945, they occupied it permanently, incorporating it into the Soviet Union. Their occupation was the proximate cause for my family’s escape to Germany and eventually the United States. With the fall of the Soviet Union, Zolochiv became a part of independent Ukraine.

Today, once again, Russian troops are poised at Zolochiv’s doorstep, sent to feed the ego of a refashioned Russian czar and disrupting a world order that we’ve built over three generations. This US-dominated and built world order has generated more prosperity than at any time in the history of mankind – a fact that at times we overlook as we fight the scourges of climate change and inequality that are also its byproduct. The order is worth protecting and improving, and I’m appreciative of the actions of our President and Governor to take non-military actions to show our support for the people of Ukraine who are fighting against the Russian juggernaut and defying the odds.

We wanted to show our support in the General Assembly as well, so this week I filed a resolution calling for a boycott of all Russian goods. A bipartisan group signed onto our resolution including the Speaker of the House, Majority Leader, Minority Leader, and Democratic Caucus chair, not to mention most members of both parties. The resolution passed the House unanimously yesterday, and I hope you will join us in avoiding the purchase of any goods and services originating from Russia.

While there is much that divides us, I am proud that we can unite against aggression and stand today as a community.


Legislative Updates

This year’s legislative session will officially adjourn in 8 days, and I am proud of the work that we have accomplished since January. I am thrilled that our bill, which removes barriers to healthcare by making it easier for out of state doctors to practice in Virginia passed unanimously in the Senate and House and is on to the governor. Every Virginian who gets sick should be able to see a doctor.

Senator Ruff’s and my bill that helps members of the Virginia National Guard afford college has passed the House and Senate and is off to the Governor as well.

Our bill that requires hospitals to post price information on their websites continues to advance through the Senate. I am grateful for the advocates from Patient Rights Advocate, Power to Patients, Families USA, AARP VA, the Virginia Poverty Law Center, the Virginia AFL-CIO, the Association of American Physicians and Surgeons, and countless others who have helped us advance this bill.

You can follow and read more about all of the bills we are working on here. I look forward to keeping you informed on the progress we are making in these last few days and hearing your ideas and feedback.


Community Connections

This week, I met with the VA Secretary of Veterans & Defense Affairs and Deputy Secretary Pak. I appreciate the work they are both doing to ensure that Virginia is the #1 state for veterans and military families.


Favorites of the 40th

This week’s Favorite of the 40th is RESOLVE: The National Infertility Association. Established in 1974, RESOLVE is a non-profit organization and the only established, nationwide network mandated to promote reproductive health and to ensure equal access to all family building options for men and women experiencing infertility or other reproductive disorders. For RESOLVE, the ability to create a family and navigate life with them is an immeasurable joy.

One in eight U.S. couples of childbearing age has trouble conceiving or carrying a pregnancy to term. RESOLVE addresses this public health issue by providing community to these women and men, connecting them with others who can help, empowering them to find resolution and giving voice to their demands for access to all family building options.

Need help? If you or someone you know is in need of assistance, visit here. RESOLVE offers a wide range of services from helping individuals find a support group, to finding them a professional including reproductive endocrinologists, urologists, and mental health therapists.

Donate. It is important to recognize the impactful work that RESOLVE is doing to help those that dream of starting a family a reality.  You can support their organization by donating here.

Interested in helping? And, if you are interested in helping others who are struggling to build a family, visit here to become an advocate.


COVID-19 Updates

The National Covid-19 Preparedness Plan.  In Tuesday’s State of the Union Address, President Biden announced his new plan to combat COVID-19, the test to treat initiative. Beginning this month, Americans will be able to head to their local pharmacy for a coronavirus test and, if they test positive, receive antiviral pills on the spot, at no cost to them.  This provides another defense against severe illness.

Free COVID-19 tests. Also announced during the SOTU Address, beginning next week, every household can order an additional 4 free at-home COVID-19 tests. Visit here for more information and to order yours.

As always, feel free to reach out to my office if you have any concerns, questions, or need assistance with an issue. I hope you have a wonderful weekend.

