Helmer Happenings: March 12th

The costs of everything are going up, and it’s hurting a lot of people. Some of this is the inevitable result of a global pandemic. Some of it is the result of Russia’s invasion of Ukraine and economic sanctions. Plenty of it, however, is the result of corporate welfare and collusion.

Over the past three years in the General Assembly, I’ve seen a lurk of lobbyists grab the ears of legislators to preserve a tax cut here or overcharge there. I’ve seen utilities secure carve-outs to rip off ratepayers to the tune of a billion dollars. I’ve seen Big Pharma crush efforts to drive down the costs of prescription drugs.

I haven’t just seen this. I’ve fought against it.

And when taking on these special interests, I don’t care what party you’re from. A bipartisan bill that incentivizes methane production and then passes onto consumers the costs of that pollution isn’t good for the environment or good for Virginians. That’s why I spoke against it on the floor.


A bipartisan bill that takes away overtime pay from farmworkers and airport workers and decreases protections isn’t a good bill. It doesn’t put food on the table for their families. I was sad to see it pass.

When I hear stories from doctors who tell me about patients who died because they delayed care because of the cost, I know we have to fight to lower the cost of care, even as special interests fill the campaign coffers of members on both sides of the aisle. It’s why I passed our hospital price transparency bill. When I hear about people struggling to make ends meet as gas prices soar, I remain more determined than ever to tilt the playing field in favor of Virginians, not special interests.

A system that allows corporations and special interests to donate unlimited sums to Virginia political campaigns and then – shockingly – allows politicians to pay personal expenses with that money is rife with corruption. As this General Assembly comes to a close, I remain more determined than ever to change the system so it is working for all of us.


Legislative Updates

I introduced five bills this year that all gained bipartisan support and are headed to the Governor’s desk.

Our bills this year focused on legislation ranging from:

One thing I like about session is the chance to work across the aisle on legislation that will benefit Virginia. I appreciated the chance to co-patron a bipartisan bill with GOP majority leader Terry Kilgore which will deliver more opportunities for low cost broadband for disadvantaged households. I also worked with Senator Frank M. Ruff Jr. as House Patron to pass a bill which would permit members of the Virginia National Guard to apply to the Department of Military Affairs for college grants.

And finally, this session, I introduced several resolutions to honor and recognize small businesses, schools, and sports teams in the 40th District. In the wake of Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, I filed a resolution calling for a boycott of all Russian goods which passed in the House.

While we did not accomplish everything we hoped for, we will continue to fight to pass legislation combatting campus sexual assaultenacting campaign finance reform, and ensuring that those who want a child and are unable to have one can get coverage for infertility treatment.

I’m confident that the bills we did pass, along with many others we’ve worked on this session in the General Assembly, will help make Virginia a better place to live, work, and raise a family.


Community Connections

As a member of the Military & Veterans Caucus, we had our final meeting of this year’s session this week. I enjoyed the opportunity to hear what the Department of Defense is working on and about the hard work of members of our Virginia National Guard.

I was proud to stand with advocates of Network NOVA, a grassroots organization promoting the democratic values of equality, justice, and human rights. In 2020, Virginia became the 38th state to ratify the Equal Rights Amendment — and we will never let up in the fight for equality.

And I was glad to support unionizing Starbucks workers at a local shop in Richmond by ordering my own “Union Yes” coffee. I encourage you to show your support by visiting local Starbucks that are unionizing — you can use this tool to locate one nearby.


Community Resources

If you or someone you know is in need of assistance, I have provided resources below that may be helpful. In addition, you may always reach out to our office by email at deldhelmer@house.virginia.gov – and we will work to connect you with community partners.

In light of the rising gas prices, to find the cheapest fuel prices, you can visit sites like this, which allows you to compare gas prices in your area. Also, consider checking your tire pressure to improve your gas mileage.

General resources:

Food resources:

  • Food for Others: https://foodforothers.org/
  • Western Fairfax Christian Ministries: https://wfcmva.org/; provides food and rent assistance to community members.
  • FACETS: http://facetscares.org/; FACETS’ Hot Meals program is a no-barrier food distribution that provides a nutritious meal every night, 365 days of the year, and Sunday breakfast as well.

Labor resources:

Rent and housing resources:

And, if you are interested in helping the citizens of Ukraine during this time of crisis, visit this page. The Northern Virginia Regional Commission (NVRC) has partnerships across the world, and has been doing all that they can to help the millions of people who find themselves displaced.


COVID-19 Updates

The White House announced on Monday that households can order another free round of at-home COVID tests. Each household can order a total of eight tests. So if you ordered four in January, when the program launched, you are eligible to order a second batch of four tests now. This round of tests is expected to ship faster than the previous round, and should ship immediately. Order yours here.


Favorites of the 40th

This week, I am highlighting once again our very own Battlefield High School as a Favorite of the 40th. Last month, the girls swim & dive team led by Camille Spink won the state championship. And this week, the boys’ basketball team qualified for and made their first state finals appearance. While they came up short against Hayfield yesterday, congratulations are in order to all of our Battlefield Bobcats for outstanding seasons.


Thank you for your continued engagement during our legislative session this year. As always, my office is here to be a resource for you — please don’t hesitate to reach out. Wishing you a happy and healthy weekend.

