Helmer Happenings: May 2nd

For too many Virginians, an unexpected medical issue triggers financial ruin. That’s just not right. So this year, we introduced a bill to protect Virginians from medical debt. We worked across the aisle and garnered bipartisan support from almost every member of the House and Senate.

Governor Youngkin vetoed the bill.

Too many Virginians face eviction and homelessness due to predatory practices by slum lords. We brought forward legislation to protect tenants from them. We worked across the aisle to get this bill passed through both chambers.

Governor Youngkin vetoed the bill.

I believe in a Virginia that’s for all of us, not just some of us. I understand the challenges Virginia’s working families face in the rise of unprecedented economic challenges. I don’t understand why colleagues on the other side of the aisle chose rank partisanship in sustaining the vetoes over the lives and livelihoods of Virginians. We were elected to serve our communities, not special interests. I’m going to keep doing that – and I hope others will too.


Connecting with the Community

I joined Delegate Danica Roem at George Mason University to speak to students, faculty, and research members about our work to address food insecurity throughout Virginia. I am grateful for our partnership as we seek solutions to address hunger and support our community.

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My team joined the Springfield Democrats on their Earth Day cleanup of Fountainhead Regional Park. I am thankful to all who came to volunteer and build community!

I joined the Prince William Education Association at this year’s PWEA 2022 Community Leaders Dinner. I had a wonderful time celebrating educators’ efforts in Prince William County and throughout the state to ensure all Virginia students receive a world class education.


I also visited The Washington D.C. Temple, which serves as the 16th operating temple of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.


I started off this past weekend by teaching a class to the Osher Lifelong Learning Institute at George Mason University (OLLI) about service and politics — I was inspired to join neighbors to discuss how we can all make a difference in our own backyards.

I also joined Veterans of Foreign Post 8469 for their 75th anniversary BBQ, where Senator Chap Petersen, Delegate David Bulova and I presented a resolution in honor of their service to community, Commonwealth, and country. Thank you to the members of the Blue and Gray post and all who serve.

Finally, I joined the Clifton Betterment Association (CBA) to celebrate the Town of Clifton’s 120th Birthday. We couldn’t have asked for more beautiful weather and quality entertainment, and it was great to be among friends, old and new. Happy 120th, Clifton!


OLLI Mason

As I highlighted above, I enjoyed teaching a class to the Osher Lifelong Learning Institute at George Mason University (OLLI Mason). OLLI offers a robust level of class offerings and recruits a talented set of teachers from all walks of life, including George Mason University, OLLI membership, and outside experts. Classes are offered in a variety of formats: in-person, virtual, and hybrid.

Currently, OLLI Mason membership is available to new members. They are offering a $300 special promotion rate for those who purchase an annual membership during the summer 2022 term, 6/21—7/29, and priority registration runs from 5/23—6/1. If you are curious about their class offerings or want more information about their organization, visit their YouTube channel where you can view a sample of their recent class offerings. Learn more about OLLI Mason here or by emailing them at olli@gmu.edu.


Fighting to Keep Life Affordable

If you or someone you know needs assistance, I have provided resources below that may be helpful. In addition, you may always reach out to our office by email at DelDHelmer@house.virginia.gov – and we will work to connect you with community partners.

General resources:  

Food resources:

Labor resources:

Rent and housing resources:

  • Cornerstones
  • FACETS: This program serves hot meals to unhoused individuals in the Fairfax Circle area. Roughy 100 meals are cooked, and served once a month.

And, in light of the higher gas prices, to find the cheapest fuel prices, you can visit this website, which allows you to compare gas prices in your area.


Favorites of the 40th

This week’s Favorite of the 40th is Fountainhead Regional Park. Located in Fairfax Station, Fountainhead Regional Park is open every day from sunrise to sunset weather permitting (except Christmas Day). The park offers an abundance of outside activities for people of all ages such as:

You can also access the Occoquan Watertrail from Fountainhead Regional Park which traces a 40-mile route on two tributary waterways of the Chesapeake Bay. Public parking can be found at Occoquan, Fountainhead, Bull Run Marina, Pohick Bay and Bull Run.

You also can access the Bull Run Occoquan Trail from Fountainhead Regional Park, which offers 19.6 miles of hiking trails, more than 5,000 acres of scenic woodlands, and is perfect for hikers or those on horseback. Read more about things to do at Fountainhead Regional Park here.

I hope you have a wonderful week!

