Helmer Happenings: December 9th

Last week, my team and I joined Capital Area Food Bank at one of their Fairfax County distribution sites in distributing fresh produce and non-perishable items to local residents. This year in the General Assembly, I’ve been focused on ensuring that no Virginian is evicted because they can’t pay rent during the pandemic and that all Virginians can put food on the table for themselves and their families. Still, this is only part of the picture. Every day, folks like those at the Capital Area Food Bank are rolling up their sleeves to ensure that our community’s needs are being met.


(Photos by Tyler Freeman)


I want to express my gratitude for all the frontline workers and volunteers stepping up every day to meet the basic necessities of our neighbors in this time of hardship. And as winter approaches and the pandemic wears on, let’s take care of one another by:

  1. Wearing a mask
  2. Staying home as much as possible
  3. Practicing social distancing

We will get through this — together. But it will take all of us. If you are able to, I encourage you to support local food banks, domestic violence shelters, and other organizations sustaining lives and livelihoods regardless of whether or not there is a pandemic. And if you yourself are in need or know a neighbor in the district who is, please reach out so we can help work through your challenges and connect you with local resources.


Events & Meetings

Over the course of the past week, I have joined General Assembly colleagues as well as Fairfax and Prince William Counties’ supervisors and staff to discuss local legislative priorities for the coming session. I met with both of the 40th District’s counties’ school boards to hear firsthand about the challenges in our local schools. I’ve participated in meetings with the Virginia Department of Transportation to ensure local transportation concerns are being heard.



I’ve had a number of virtual meetings with constituents — listening to their bill ideas on issues ranging from clean energy to healthcare access to classroom needs. Although I won’t physically be in Richmond for our upcoming virtual House of Delegates session and will be working right here in the district, I’ll make sure that the concerns and issues of the 40th come first and foremost in all of our legislating ahead.

And I have also spent a significant amount of time meeting with candidates for judicial vacancies on county courts in both Fairfax and Prince William Counties. I am proud that of the three eminently qualified individuals that the Fairfax County delegation has nominated thus far to the Fairfax County Circuit Court and Juvenile & Domestic Relations Court, two – Tania Saylor and Melissa Sanchez Cardoce – are constituents of the 40th District.


Virginia Redistricting Commission

During this past legislative session, I voted for a citizen-led bipartisan redistricting commission and am thankful for Virginians’ overwhelming support in November. Citizens’ voices—like yours—are a critical part of this and will make up 8 of the 16 seats on the commission.

I encourage all interested to apply for membership to the commission; completed applications can be returned by email, fax, or mail. The application is open through Dec 28, 2020. Further details can be found here.


COVID-19 Efforts & Resources

Our office continues to receive numerous messages regarding persistent difficulties accessing state agencies, such as the Virginia Employment Commission or the Department of Motor Vehicles. Whether you have spent countless hours waiting on hold unable to access one of these agencies, need rent relief to stay on top of your payments, or are struggling to get by, please let our office know so we can offer resources at your disposal and help you get answers.

As the weather gets colder and the days get shorter, it can be an incredibly hard time for mental health as well. If you’re feeling anxious or having difficulty coping with COVID-19, you can call or text 877-349-6428 to reach the VA COPES warmline to speak with a trained counselor. (Note: VA COPES is not a hotline; if you or someone you know is in a mental health crisis, call 1-800-273-8255 or 911.) You are not alone — this has been a challenging year, to say the least. Learn more about VA COPES here.


Favorites of the 40th

As more Prince William and Fairfax County residents return to the workplace and the region’s roads become increasingly congested, some are rethinking their commutes. One option is the Virginia Railway Express (VRE), which has taken a variety of precautions to protect the health and safety of its passengers. These measures include an enhanced cleaning regimen, installation of social-distancing decals and hand-sanitizer dispensers on rail cars and platforms, and a facial covering requirement.



To ensure social distancing, decals guide riders to window seats in every other row. Only 45 of 130 seats in any rail car are available to passengers. Currently, no more than 50 percent of those available seats are in use. VRE’s train utilization web page helps riders find the train that best matches their social-distance comfort level. The rail system closely monitors ridership and has been adding and lengthening trains to allow for proper social distancing. VRE cleans it trains twice a day. Overnight cleanings use acidic electrolyzed water, a potent yet nonirritating disinfectant. The acid produced by electrolyzing the water can be 100 times more powerful than the active ingredient in bleach. Produced on demand, this environmentally friendly product uses only salt, tap water, and electricity.

VRE has 19 stations, two of which (Manassas Park and Burke Centre) are adjacent to our district. VRE is operating a reduced schedule, with four Manassas Line trains running northbound weekday mornings and southbound in the evenings. VRE’s mobile app allows for the contactless purchase and validation of tickets. As residents head back to work, VRE is welcoming them back in the safest and healthiest way possible. I’ve been a regular rider of VRE and appreciate how lucky we are to have it and am proud of the additional investments our General Assembly made this year in light rail. Learn more at vre.org, and check out a 3-D tour of one of their rail cars here.

Thank you for using your voice and being engaged in our democracy. I hope you and your loved ones are staying safe and healthy.

