Helmer Happenings: March 20th

This past week 8 people, 6 of whom were Asian American women, were victims to another mass shooting in this country. It is a terrible, if predictable outcome of the increasing rise in misogynistic, anti-Asian violence since the beginning of the pandemic.

My heart goes out to the loved ones of those lost as well as every member of the Asian American community in the 40th and around the country who feel a little less safe as a result of this senseless violence.

On Monday, the National Korean American Service & Education Consortium (NAKASEC) will be hosting a candlelight vigil to honor the Asian American women killed in Atlanta in Annandale, Virginia. I will join and encourage others who can to do so as well.

I remain committed to combating hate in all its forms and to continue to fight for a community devoid of racist violence. We have much work left to do.

Events and Meetings

Last week, I joined It’s On Us for a conversation on how we can combat gender-based violence in the military. I was grateful for the opportunity to listen, learn, and discuss the ways we can work to solve this issue. Thank you to the team at It’s On Us for facilitating this important conversation.

I met with the team for a game night last Wednesday – our puppy Ace joined as well! After a busy legislative session, it was great to have the chance to catch up with everyone.


On Tuesday, our team hosted our first community check-in phonebank. We were able to help residents in the district register for the vaccine and answer their questions about the process. We will be hosting these phonebanks weekly – if you would like to join, please sign up here.

This week, I chatted with the team at Virginia Mercury for an article on our bill to expand food assistance programs in Virginia, which passed this year with unanimous support — the largest expansion of the public safety net in Virginia since 2017. This legislation will help feed families in our Commonwealth, make it simpler for Virginia to administer public benefits programs, and help stimulate our economy. If you would like to learn more, you can read the article here.


Legislative Updates

The Virginia legislative session may be over, but there are lots of big changes happening on the federal front. Last Thursday, President Biden signed the American Rescue Plan Act into law. This bill includes many different initiatives to help citizens and businesses who are struggling as a result of the pandemic. Here are some of the highlights on its impact in Virginia:

  • Stimulus Checks: Individuals with incomes up to $75,000 and married couples with incomes up to $150,000 will receive direct payments of $1,400 per person, as well as $1,400 per dependent, impacting more than 5,118,900 adults and 1,884,700 children in Virginia. This is 82% of all adults and 81% of all children across the Commonwealth.
  • Tax Breaks for Families: Under this legislation, the federal child tax credit will increase from $2,000 to $3,600 for every child under 6 and $3,000 for every child ages 6-17, lifting 85,000 children and their families out of poverty in Virginia. There is also a push to make these payments delivered more frequently as opposed to a lump sum.
  • Relief for Businesses: This bill created a new $25 billion grant program for bars and restaurants to help pay for rent, payroll, utilities, and other expenses.
  • Aid for Schools: K-12 schools across Virginia will receive more than $2 billion in additional funding to help keep teachers, students, and staff safe. The funding will be used to reduce class sizes, modify classrooms for social distancing, purchase personal protective equipment, and install ventilation systems.
  • Expanded Unemployment Benefits: Additional unemployment benefits from the federal government have been extended to September 6 at $300 per week. This expanded benefit is on top of what people receive through the state unemployment systems. The first $10,200 of unemployment benefits will not be taxable for households with incomes under $150,000.

The American Rescue Plan Act is a bold piece of legislation that will provide relief to many families in our Commonwealth during this challenging time. I’m confident that this bill will help us move towards a smooth and safe recovery post-pandemic.

COVID Updates

Virginia recently reached a major milestone — there are now over one million people in our Commonwealth who are fully vaccinated. 1.8 million Virginians have received at least one dose of the vaccine at 22.2% of our total population.

As we receive more vaccine doses, the pool of people who are eligible to receive the vaccine will be expanding. In Fairfax County, vaccine registration is now open for additional 1B worker groups: food and agriculture, manufacturing, and grocery store workers. Across Virginia, every county is expected to open vaccine eligibility to those in the 1C group by mid-April. This phase includes additional essential workers, bringing in individuals working in energy, construction, food services, and other industries. All Virginians over the age of 16 are expected to be eligible for the vaccine by May 1st.

As we look towards an impending return to normalcy, it’s critical that all who are eligible receive the vaccine to keep themselves and others safe. Prince William County residents can pre-register here and Fairfax County residents can pre-register here. Please let me know if you have any questions or concerns surrounding the vaccine — my office is here as a resource.

Favorites of the Fortieth


Trummer’s is a locally owned and operated restaurant in Clifton, Virginia, serving creative American cuisine. The restaurant was opened by Victoria and Stefan Trummer in 2009, seeking to create a superb dining experience showcasing the diverse agricultural community in Virginia. I recently had the opportunity to present Victoria and Stefan with a House Resolution in honor of their recognition as Virginia’s Best Brunch by The Daily Meal. If you haven’t visited Trummer’s yet, you can read more about their offerings here.




As always, if there is anything I can do to help during this time, please let me know. I hope you have a wonderful weekend.

