Helmer Happenings: July 22nd

Last week, CNBC rated Virginia as the best state in which to do business. Investing in education, healthcare, the environment, and workers turns out not just to be good policy — it’s also good business. As someone who runs a business, I’m proud of the work we’ve done to grow Virginia’s economy while also preventing workplace discrimination and supporting working families. I’ll keep fighting to ensure our state attracts and creates new businesses and simultaneously work to ensure that all Virginians are able to share in the benefits of economic growth.

Events and Meetings


Last Friday, I was honored to be joined by Senator Mark Warner on the campaign trail at our first major event of the summer.  I enjoyed talking with so many members of the community about what issues matter most to them.  I am thankful to have Senator Warner’s support as we continue to build momentum for November, making sure that Terry McAuliffe is elected Governor, and that Democrats maintain the majority in VirginiaLast Friday, I was honored to be joined by Senator Mark Warner on the campaign trail at our first major event of the summer.  I enjoyed talking with so many members of the community about what issues matter most to them. I am thankful to have Senator Warner’s support as we continue to build momentum for November.


I also was thrilled to join my team at our re-election campaign office opening kickoff as we welcomed new and familiar faces. We knocked on hundreds of doors, sharing our message with voters.  I was very excited to discuss our priorities for the future of Virginia. We are having canvas launches every Saturday at 10:00 AM. Sign up using this link.

On July 12th, I joined the Northern Virginia Therapeutic Riding Program team and presented a resolution recognizing their fine work. The NVTRP has done incredible work serving veterans, youth, and people with disabilities.

This past week I received the support and endorsement from Planned Parenthood Advocates of Virginia and New Virginia Majority as I seek re-election to the House of Delegates. Through their advocacy, we have been able to expand access to reproductive healthcare, to the voting booth, to affordable housing, and so much more. With support from all over the community, we can continue fighting for a Virginia that works for everyone.

Finally, the League of Women’s Voters is holding a public hearing regarding the drawing of Virginia’s congressional and state legislative districts in 2021. I encourage anyone who is available to attend, as it is important that voting districts reflect communities’ values. The hearing will take place on Tuesday, July 27th, beginning at 4:00 pm, and will be held at George Mason University in Fairfax, Virginia.  You can find more information here.

Favorites of the Fortieth

When I called Sal Speziale most recently, he was just leaving a cancer hospital where he had dropped off meals at the hospital for staff helping a customer suffering from cancer. He has also provided 21,200 meals to firefighters, police, doctors, and nurses since the outbreak of the pandemic. Sal is an immigrant, graduate of the US Air Force Academy, and retired fighter and airline pilot. His restaurant Ciao Osteria, which he manages with his wife Gina, has amazing and award-winning authentic Italian food, prepared by chef Antonino Di Nicola. Make a reservation if you can – word is out on how great this food is.

