Helmer Happenings: September 6th

There’s a lot to catch up on! Happy Labor Day to all. I hope most get to enjoy a day off. We have an opportunity to thank many labor fighters of the past, who ended child labor, instituted the five day work week, and fought many forms of exploitation. In Virginia, I’m proud of the work we’ve done in the past two years, to ensure all Virginians can earn a living wage, to encourage apprenticeships, to combat wage theft, to ensure payment of overtime, and to enable our firefighters and police to receive Workman’s Comp for PTSD and other ailments that uniquely impact their professions. I also am proud to live out our values and recognize IBEW Local 666 as the union representing our campaign staff.

Also, a L’shana Tova to all of those celebrating Rosh Hashanah this year. Our family will be getting together for the holiday and celebrating with a traditional meal and some apples and honey to wish for a “sweet” New Year. We’ll go down to the creek near our house to practice Tashlich, the symbolic casting of sins into the water to start the new year afresh. After the past year plus of COVID, we could all use a fresh start!

Thank you to the many of you who have reached out to check on me and others in the wake of our withdrawal from Afghanistan. As many of you know, I have long advocated for a pull out, but I am also deeply troubled by the execution. Our office fielded dozens of requests for help from US citizens and Afghan partners, working closely with our US Senators and Representatives to ensure these requests got into the hands of the right people in the military and State Department. There were many sad stories of people who we will not be able to help, for instance, relatives of interpreters who may be endangered but were not directly working on behalf of the US. There were also a few bright spots, e.g., a US citizen who was successfully evacuated. Nonetheless, I remain deeply committed to those we have left behind as well as ensuring that our allies who are now in Virginia are able to start a successful new life as Americans.

I would be remiss if I didn’t discuss the Supreme Court’s recent decision not to intervene on Texas’ effective ban on abortion, even in cases of rape and incest. After our second child was born, my wife Karen developed a heart condition. Her doctor said she could die if she became pregnant again. That has always inspired me to ensure that personal healthcare decisions remain between a woman and her doctor. The law in Texas not only bans abortion before women know they are pregnant but also creates a bounty system in which private citizens are encouraged to pursue doctors in return for rewards. Virginia has often verged toward the extreme in the past two decades, including a bill to mandate that women undergo transvaginal ultrasounds if considering an abortion. I respect the decisions of those who would carry a pregnancy to term under any circumstance, including rape; but I believe it to be a decision that each woman should be entitled to make on her own – and I’ll continue to work to ensure that Roe v Wade is enshrined in Virginia law.

Events and Meetings:

Yesterday I had the honor of joining Gov. McAullife and Hala Ayala at the Sikh Foundation of Virginia in Fairfax. 

Last week I was privileged to be joined on the campaign trail by the Speaker of the House of Delegates Eilleen Filler-Corn at an event in Haymarket.

Lastly, we released our first campaign ad last week, highlighting the work I have been able to do, with Republicans and Democrats, to combat hunger in Virginia. You can watch it here


COVID-19 Updates:

The past two weeks have marked back-to-school. I am so appreciative of the work by FCPS and PWCS staff to get our children back in the classroom safety. This year we passed a bill that required a return to in-person learning along with following CDC guidance such as mandatory masks for students, teachers, and staff. I support Fairfax County Public Schools’ recent vaccine mandate for teachers and encourage Prince William County Schools to do the same. Both my company and campaign require that staff are vaccinated, and I believe that employer mandates will play a critical role in helping us get past this pandemic. Thank you to all who are being a constructive part of the solution!

Both Prince William and Fairfax County public schools are tracking their Covid cases. The dashboards to view this data for PWCS can be found here, and for FCPS can be found here. Public schools in both counties are requiring that students be masked.

Booster shots are likely to be recommended for 8 months after your second shot, although official guidence has not be announced yet. More infomation about this process can be found on the Virginia Department of Health’s website here.  

Favorites of the Fortieth:

One of the best things about getting out and seeing all of you door-to-door is getting to meet all of your dogs! I love our #DogsForDan team and wanted to celebrate all of those K9s who make this district special as one of my Favorites of the Fortieth.


