Category: Helmer Happenings

  • Helmer Happenings: October 20th

    Helmer Happenings: October 20th

    As our campaign enters into the final home stretch, I first want to thank everyone who has supported our team these past few months.  Without your help and support, our campaign would not be where it is today.  And even more so, everyone’s dedication to moving Virginia and the Commonwealth forward has made me feel…

  • Helmer Happenings: September 6th

    Helmer Happenings: September 6th

    There’s a lot to catch up on! Happy Labor Day to all. I hope most get to enjoy a day off. We have an opportunity to thank many labor fighters of the past, who ended child labor, instituted the five day work week, and fought many forms of exploitation. In Virginia, I’m proud of the…

  • Helmer Happenings: August 3rd

    Helmer Happenings: August 3rd

    Starting yesterday, we returned to Virginia’s House of Delegates Chamber in Richmond for the first time since the declaration of a National Emergency due to COVID-19. I am proud of all we accomplished in two virtual sessions but also so glad to be back with colleagues doing the people’s business. This week we are working…

  • Helmer Happenings: July 22nd

    Helmer Happenings: July 22nd

    Last week, CNBC rated Virginia as the best state in which to do business. Investing in education, healthcare, the environment, and workers turns out not just to be good policy — it’s also good business. As someone who runs a business, I’m proud of the work we’ve done to grow Virginia’s economy while also preventing…

  • Helmer Happenings: July 4th

    Helmer Happenings: July 4th

    Happy Independence Day! As the son of an immigrant and the grandson of Holocaust survivors who came here as refugees, I know I’m proud to be an American. I hope everyone else will enjoy this opportunity to fly our colors, enjoy fireworks, see friends and family, and celebrate this great country. On July 1st, many…

  • Helmer Happenings: June 11th

    Helmer Happenings: June 11th

    It’s been a busy few weeks here in the Fortieth. Apologies for the delayed update as I had spent two weeks on Reserve Duty (more below). We’re all excited by the progress we are making toward reopening. Do please encourage friends and family who have not been vaccinated to get a vaccine!     Events and…

  • Helmer Happenings: May 15th

    Helmer Happenings: May 15th

    The CDC’s announcement that those vaccinated no longer need to wear masks indoors feels like so much sunshine at the end of a long, violent storm. While we have so much left to do and so many challenges that confront us — be it the need to protect our infrastructure from cyberattacks like those that…

  • Helmer Happenings: May 1st

    Helmer Happenings: May 1st

    Last week, Derek Chauvin was convicted for the murder of George Floyd. I believe too often our politics are driven by false choices. Some say you can be “pro police” or “pro reform” but not both. I have never believed this. Just as the military works to police our own when they act out of the…

  • Helmer Happenings: April 8th

    Helmer Happenings: April 8th

    Over the past year, I’ve been doing all I can to help our community, Commonwealth, and country to recover from this terrible pandemic. Our office sponsored legislation to help provide PPE to nonprofits and private sector companies and help address the vast increase in food insecurity as a result of the coronavirus crisis. We’ve worked…

  • Helmer Happenings: March 20th

    Helmer Happenings: March 20th

    This past week 8 people, 6 of whom were Asian American women, were victims to another mass shooting in this country. It is a terrible, if predictable outcome of the increasing rise in misogynistic, anti-Asian violence since the beginning of the pandemic. My heart goes out to the loved ones of those lost as well…